Welcome New Members
We’d like to welcome New Ranch Members
- Jessie Spehar, Lot 58
We’d like to welcome New Ranch Members
An outdoor camera has been installed on Ranch House. This allow members to see, live, what is going on with the weather at LVR. The link can be found on the home page above the weather station widget. You can open the page here as well: Ranch House Outdoor Camera Please use either a Chrome…
Update: Password Reset Emails went out to Members who had not previously requested a password. The email was from “Lutheran Valley Ranch (lvradmin@lvranch.org)” If you did not receive the email, please contact lvradmin@lvranch.org with your name and lot number and which email address should be the primary on your membership. Why do I need to…
**Update** There have been more bear sightings this year, 2024. The picture has been updated to show an actual sighting – courtesy of Dave & Karen Sherrets, Lot 1 ****Original News Post on August 15, 2023 There has been at least one full-size brown bear roaming around LV Ranch this summer. It pulled down a…